Thursday, December 31, 2009

Finding "X"

The end of another year, 2009. But also an end to my excess weight. 2010 will be a new beginning you could say and Finding "x". Looking back, it was a pretty good year. My hubby and I were able to travel a lot this year, Australia and New Zealand last February, Cuba for a wedding in July and in October we celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary in London, England. Although I love the travel, I found the weight bearing down on me as we walked the numerous miles sightseeing. I suffered plantars fasciitis and numerous blisters. During our trip to Cuba, I had a good conversation with the bride's mother who had been banded a few months earlier. What a transformation and the sole reason I began investigating the process. I was disappointed that I was not fat enough to have the surgery and considered gaining weight in order to have it done. Can you believe the desperation? I am 55 yrs, 209 pounds, an apple shape and am ripe for dying young because I have high blood pressure, fatty liver and will probably have diabetes if I don't lose the weight. My surgeon was great though, explaining that health issues were also a consideration for the band.

2010 is the start of my new adventure as a bandster. I spent yesterday reading a blog by Gen ( which was so inspirational. I plan to read a lot more blogs as they really do tell our story. I am ready to go and hope the next 6 weeks before I am banded goes fast. I do want to add the importance of reading how others have faired with the band. There are times in our lives when we do a small thing for someone, but never know the impact it made on that person.
Someday I hope they see that their time spent blogging was life changing for at least one person. I want to share some of the insights I gained by reading Gen's blog.

*The Lapband isn't about a new diet. It is a tool that will help. My biggest problem with reading the literature was that they were telling me I could only eat certain foods-no more chocolate, no more goodies, no more fat or fun. Gen realized it isn't the food anymore, it is the way our brains think about the food. I am so looking forward to still being able to eat chili, something which all the literature "banned". I know there will be some foods which won't agree with me but I'll try them all just to see.

*The weight doesn't magically drop off, there is still work to be done but it gets easier and easier when the band is restricting the amount you eat. I almost cried when Gen wrote about her plateau's which is usually when I would drop off the diet (usually after 6 weeks). The band allowed her to keep the faith so to speak.

*We don't have to live high protein, low fat, low carb. I too suffer from depression most notably in the winter and when I restrict carbohydrates, my brain shouts out-give them to me so I can make serotonin and make you happier. Thanks to Gen, I know I won't need to cut my carbs completely. Yahoo for pasta and pizza.

*Gen if you or any of the other blogger's who inspire me read this, know that you have changed a life. I feel excited to become a bandster and know that it will probably add years to my life. To take a line from her blog "I heart Gen's blog". Thanks!

Another turning point over the last few weeks: My 24 year old son has worked with his church every Christmas to put on a production called the Gift of Christmas. This year was a three kleenex production as I cried through most of the show. At one point various people come on stage with a statement of something bad that has happened in their life. They then turn over the card and share the Gift they have received from God. It moved me in a way that has never happened before. One stated they had been abandoned by their mother at birth, the gift was a new loving family. Another stated he was an alcoholic, the gift was sobriety for 3 years. Another stated she had cancer, the gift was health. By then I was on my third kleenex as the tears flowed.

Now for mine: I am overweight and at risk of dying young. My gift is the LapBand and the support I see from those who write about their experiences so others can benefit.

Happy New Year to all. Be Happy, Be Safe and if you drink, don't drive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful post Sandy..just beautiful. You have such a gift for writing and sharing! It is so encouraging to THIS pre-lapbander.

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